Books by authors with surname beginning with E

6 Amsterdamse Pottenbakkers J.C. Ebbinge Wubben (introduces)

6 Amsterdamse Pottenbakkers

J.C. Ebbinge Wubben (introduces)

Published by Museum Boymans van Beuningen in Rotterdam, 1962


8 Danish Potters Lisa Engqvist (introduces)

8 Danish Potters

Lisa Engqvist (introduces)

Published by Galerie Besson in London,


85 Poems Gavin Ewart

85 Poems

Gavin Ewart


Published by Hutchinson in London, 31099


A Cupboard full of Coats Yvvette Edwards

A Cupboard full of Coats

Yvvette Edwards


Published by Oneworld in London, 2011


A Golden Age - Art and Society in Hungary 1896-1914 Gyongyi Eri
A New Ice Age Robert Edric

A New Ice Age

Robert Edric

Published by Andre Deutsch in London, 1986


A Poytre Raedign Souvenir Brochure  Earl of Radnor
A Sculptor's Development - Anthony Caro Anne Elliott (catalogues)

A Sculptor's Development - Anthony Caro

Anne Elliott (catalogues)

Published by Sculpture Exhibitions Ltd in Lewes, 2001


A Victorian Family at Lanhydrock Mike England

A Victorian Family at Lanhydrock

Mike England

Published by Bodmin Books in Bodmin, 2001


Actress Anne Enright


Anne Enright

Published by Jonathan Cape in London, 2020


Addictions D.J. Enright


D.J. Enright

Published by Chatto & Windus with the Hogarth Press in London, 1962


Airborne - The New Dance Photography of Lois Greenfield William A Ewing (provides a preface)

Airborne - The New Dance Photography of Lois Greenfield

William A Ewing (provides a preface)

Published by Chronicle Books in San Francisco, 1998


Alan Davie - Work in the Scottish Gallery of Modern Art Patrick Elliott

Alan Davie - Work in the Scottish Gallery of Modern Art

Patrick Elliott

Published by National Galleries of Scotland in Edinburgh, 2000


Alice to Penzance - A Retrospective Exhibition of the Work of Narbara Tribe and The Originals Outback Collection of Contemporary Aboriginal  Paintings Deborah Edwards (introduces)
All Keyboards are Legitimate - Versions of Jules Laforgue Suzannah V Evans (edits)

All Keyboards are Legitimate - Versions of Jules Laforgue

Suzannah V Evans (edits)

Published by Guillemot Press in Lanhydrock, 2023


An Introduction to Netsuke Joe Earle

An Introduction to Netsuke

Joe Earle

Published by Victoria and Albert Museum in London, 1980


Art and its Histories: A Reader Steve Edwards (edits)

Art and its Histories: A Reader

Steve Edwards (edits)

Published by Yale University Press/The Open University in London, 1999


Arts and Society in England under William and Mary Mary Ede

Arts and Society in England under William and Mary

Mary Ede

Published by Stainer & Hill in London, 1979


Augustus John Malcolm Easton

Augustus John

Malcolm Easton

Published by National Portrait Gallery in London, 1975


Bream Gives me Hiccups Jesse Eisenberg

Bream Gives me Hiccups

Jesse Eisenberg

Published by Grove Press in London, 2016


Brenda; for the Love of Cornwall - The Life & times of Brenda Wootton - Cornwall's First Lady of Song Sue Ellery-Hill
Brightwork Suzannah V Evans


Suzannah V Evans

Published by Guillemot Press in Lanhydrock, 2021


Bristol Pottery 1786-1860 N Elphinstone

Bristol Pottery 1786-1860

N Elphinstone

Published by City Art Gallery in Bristol, not stated


British Regional Geology - South-West England E.A. Edmonds

British Regional Geology - South-West England

E.A. Edmonds

Published by HMSO in London, 1985


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